Inflammation Solutions from Your Psoriatic Coach

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posted by Your PSOriatic Health Coach- Gerryl Krilic

As a Health Coach I help all kinds of clients with many different health concerns and goals at all ages and stages of life reach their own self determined wellness goals. As “Your Psoriatic Health Coach” I have a specific passion, mission and practice focus for this particular population. I have been a lifelong Psoriatic Patient and many of my family members have progressed into advanced stages of the disease presenting as Psoriatic Arthritis and deal with chronic inflammation.

The good news is we now know Psoriasis is a systematic inflammatory disease that only presents as a skin issue. We can treat skin symptoms but in order to get to the root cause we must do everything we can do to cut back on any additional inflammation within our bodies to avoid developing many associated co-morbidities such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and so many others.

More Good news: We also now have scientific proof that our
lifestyle choices play a bigger role in our health and wellness than our genes. Sure you were dealt a particular set of cards but you do have some control over how those cards are played. And yes you absolutely should see a physician to treat your disease. But you can and should practice holistic forms of self care to increase your quality of life and better manage your symptoms.

Have you ever felt the discomfort of your psoriatic disease, your arthritis, low energy, headaches, constipation, gingivitis, poor memory, restless sleep, sore muscles, and joints, etc.? Well, Far too many people in our society suffer from these everyday discomforts. According to Dr. William Sears, “When excessive inflammation occurs, tissues that line certain parts of the body – such as the joints, the intestines, and especially the blood vessels – get “rough edges” and malfunction. Inflammation is the universal “kryptonite” to our overall health and well-being and is destroying our reality of obtaining and sustaining a good quality of life. I have included some information backed by science about how you can prevent inflammation and lessen its harmful effects.

What is inflammation and how do we get inflamed? The right balance of inflammation protects and heals the body. That is a good thing. Your immune system is functioning properly. However, there can be too much of a good thing. Excess inflammation, as defined by Dr. Sears, is the immune system being “on fire.” There is a constant fight, or fire going on in the body that is sparked by such things as junk food. Did you know the Unhealthy food we eat in the Standard American DIET is a primary cause of inflammation in our bodies? The body perceives poor quality food, such as chemical sweeteners and factory processed vegetable oils as foreign invaders. Your body is constantly having to fight these invaders causing excessive inflammation.

Foods that cause inflammation AKA Pro-Inflammatory Foods
Making the right food choices will help decrease inflammation. Simply put NUTRITION Matters. According to Dr. Sears, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils (also known as trans-fats), corn oil, soybean oil, fried foods, sweetened beverages, margarine, and high-fructose corn syrup are all examples of foods that promote inflammation. Consuming even small amounts of these foods can contribute to ongoing flames that are hard to put out. There foods should be avoided at all costs by anyone and everyone for optimal health.

More Good News: There are Foods that actually prevent inflammation. Dr. Sears calls them “firefighter” foods. I just love all his simple science terms. Medical jargon has it’s place for but for the general population we just need to know what we need to know- how to be well.

Foods that prevent inflammation
You can decrease inflammation by consuming the anti-inflammatory foods and create a catalyst for providing relief from the turmoil that your health has endured. According to Dr. Sears, salmon, ground flax-seeds, Turmeric, olive oil, nuts, blueberries, pomegranates, green leafy vegetables, onions, garlic, sweet potatoes, spices, and green tea are great examples of healthy foods that counteract the harmful effects of and prevent inflammation. If we consistently abstain from unhealthy food while fully indulging in the healthy nutrition choices this can result in better improved overall health.

It’s never too late to make small changes and start a new journey of turning your dietary habits toward one that can put out the flames and prevent inflammation.

A Whole Body approach to wellness starts with understanding how your Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition choices work together and set the stage for your overall health. As a Certified Health Coach, I can show you simple steps that will help you take charge of your health and achieve optimal wellness. Contact me to learn how easy it can be to avoid nutrition related diseases, improve learning and behavior, control weight, increase energy levels, prepare healthy snacks/food, and more!

Wishing you the Wealth of Health,
Your PSOriatic Health Coach- Gerryl
The FriscoFIT City Ambassador

Sources: Sears, William, Prime-Time Health. New York: Little Brown, 2010. The Inflammation Solution THE INFLAMMATION SOLUTION When Everything Works and Nothing Hurts by William Sears MD (Author), Vincent Fortanasce MD (Foreword) Price: $12.99