Why “ditching the DIET” Mindset is BETTER for YOU

Make is SIMPLE: Stop counting calories – START listening to your body.

By: Gerryl Krilic

So, you want to eat better, live longer, lose or maintain a healthy weight — but where to start? A quick internet search for the best healthiest DIET to eat leaves you confused. So many conflicting messages, so much internet hype. What foods should you eat? 

Ditch the DIET Mindset for good


Scientific Evidence is clear. Restrictive dieting just doesn’t work — and can be detrimental to your mental health.  Research also suggests restrictive diets are one of the best predictors of weight gain. A UCLA study found that nearly 2 out of 3 people on diets tend to gain more weight back than they lost within four to five years. Another study on adolescents found that dieting was not only ineffective but may leads to actual weight gain. 

Science suggests this restrictive mindset could be doing more harm than good. Are you ready to ditch your diet mindset and settle in for the long haul? Are you ready to give up the quick fix all or nothing diet mentality for a lifestyle that supports lasting sustainable change and better health overall? Here are some tips to develop a healthier pattern of eating over time that will result in weight loss and health benefits that are sustainable.

Color Your Diet– Eat the Rainbow

Develop a healthier pattern of eating by shifting your perspective from restriction to abundance! Rather than focusing on what not to eat, focus on What to add. EAT MORE quality anti-inflammatory- Whole Foods. EAT more fruits and vegetables. Aim to fill your plate with a variety of colorful fruits and veggies — each color contains various vitamins and minerals and antioxidants that offer different types of protection and anti-aging benefits! See how many colors you can incorporate into your diet each week. If I give you a food prescription to simply add one fruit or vegetable to every meal, and make no other changes, does that feel more doable? Does that feel different than focusing on what NOT to eat? Start with one small change at a time and progress from there.

Eat Enough Calories

Reducing calories too much can actually have the opposite effect when it comes to weight loss. Don’t risk slowing down your metabolism. Focus on healthy choices and a healthier pattern of eating. I promise slow and steady progress will make for long-term results.  When you eat more Whole Foods, add more filling fiber in the form of fruits and vegetables- your food choices are more nutrient dense. You will fill up on whole food anti-inflammatory goodness while naturally limiting calorically dense foods such as highly refined carbs and processed foods.

Create A Balanced Plate

Cutting out entire food groups could lead to restrictive, unhealthy behaviors * exception- food allergies and known intolerances. Strive to eat balanced meals and snacks as all of the macronutrients are essential to maintain optimal health! Try to balance your plate by including healthy complex carbs ( whole grain, unrefined) , protein, and healthy fats with each meal.  Eat fruit and veggies with as many meals as you can. Pair Protein and Produce for snacks. Include a variety of healthy fats and proteins.

Traffic Light Eating: A DIET Alternative – focused on Healthy Whole Food Nutrition.

Mindful Eating 

I love being on a DIET…. said no one EVER! Accounting for every single calorie of food you eat is exhausting. You can establish a healthier pattern of eating and still enjoy the occasional splurge, without guilt. Health and Wellness is the results of what we do consistently, not what we do occasionally. You just need to find what amount of splurging works for you. What does that look like? Is that dessert once a week? Wine or an occasional burger and fries?

Try Mindful Eating. It’s about really getting back in touch with the Wisdom of your body. Ever notice how little kids literally never eat unless they are truly hungry? Try actively listening to your body and making food choices from a place of love and nourishment. Eat only when you are truly hungry and don’t eat when you are not. Strive to Choose foods that nourish you. Adopting this eating mentality honors your body’s cravings and prioritizes nutrition and nourishment. Slow down the eating process to really pay attention to fullness and satiety. Chew more slowly.

  • Wisdom of the Body- Allowing yourself to become aware of the positive and nurturing opportunities that are available through food selection and preparation.  Focus on choosing foods that enhance health.
  • Take Twice the Time to Dine- Limit distractions. Chew slowly. Give your brain time to register fullness.
  • Acknowledge responses to food (likes, dislikes or neutral) without judgment.
  • Becoming aware of physical hunger and satiety cues to guide your decisions to begin and end eating. Eat when you are hungry not because it’s lunch time.

Here are our Dr. Sear Wellness Institute Tips for slowing down the eating process and be more mindful at meals. “Rule of 2’s” This is just one possible strategy. Experiment to Find what works for you.

In Summary 

Keep in mind the Mainstream Media wants you to believe there is a quick fix. It is the job of media to sell products. The diet culture leads us to believe there is a product, pill and or quick fix. But sadly there is not. Don’t fall for this trap. There is no perfect diet. We’re all different — what works for me won’t necessarily work for you. You can adopt a healthier pattern of eating based on your own personal preferences and maintain your health and wellness goals. 

Listen to your body and remember, food is meant to be enjoyed! Don’t be afraid to treat yourself every now and then.

At FriscoFITCity, we don’t believe in dieting. We believe in eating healthy balanced whole food nutrition- anti-inflammatory foods that leave you feeling good.

Be Well- Coach Gerryl