In Defense of Omnivores: Omnivores are plant based

Any archeologist would remind us that all humans have evolved and survived because we are indeed omnivores. And that is the beauty of our evolutionary history. All humans evolved to be able to survive regardless of the diverse environments we live in all over this wonderful world. Our historical record tells us that humans have been able to survive in every corner of the globe based on one fact: we all evolved to be omnivores with the freedom of choice and the condition to be able to make changes as needed to survive Anywhere, anytime. For some of us we had to be vegetarian, for the vast majority of us we evolved to be opportunistic omnivores. And this is what is truly remarkable and should be celebrated. The politics of what and how we choose, grow and manufacture our foods now in this one century is a separate issue. And yes our current food system 100% needs to be addressed. Our food is indeed making us sick. We all need to make changes to ensure the sustainability of our agriculture and our world, to be sure. The way we eat is one of the ways we can change to be sure. But make no mistake – we can and will be able to make the necessary changes because we are indeed and in fact omnivores who can and will survive these changes. So let’s all celebrate our diversity and recognize that all healthy eating practices have several things in common: Lots of Colorful fruits and veggies, Lots of Whole Real foods that are not processed and loaded with additives and preservatives and chemicals. And yes that means eating more plants. #hillcollegeHWP #Plantbasedomnivores #friscofitcity