Most Popular New Years Resolutions and How to stick with it.

Here we go again. It’s a new year and we all aspire to become a version of our best selves each and every year. We are hopeful and optimistic. This year is the year! Refresh, Renew, resolve to live well and be healthy and strive for more meaningful relationships and community.

Here we go…here’s what most people resolve to do in 2019… how about you

Get in shape

Good choice! There really are no negatives here. Your health improves after just one work out. So why not resolved to add this to a list of priorities… simply put, move more, sit less. Tip: Come February, enlist an accountability partner, don’t fall off the January wagon as far too many of us do. Try something new each and every month if you need some excitement to keep it going and keep it fun.

Lose weight

Too many products and social media viral messages promising the best new quick fix. Accept there is not a quick fix. You must accept this fact to ultimately win this battle of making a lasting healthy habit change. Accept this fact now and you are bound to do better over the long haul because making a lasting change is going to take work, dedication, motivation and time. The good news is you don’t need to deprive yourself, focus on quality of food over quantity. Eat Real food, Eat Whole Food. Eat Good Fat.

Enjoy life to the fullest

Here’s my passionate message to you. IT is NEVER too late to change your life. According to psychologist Jonathan Fader, PhD, the key to enjoying life to the fullest lies not in making major life changes, but in actively practicing enjoyment of life as it currently is. Let me repeat that: the key to enjoying life to the fullest lies not in making major life changes, but in actively practicing enjoyment of life as it currently is.

Tip: “Have a daily ritual around enjoyment: Just your very own little ritual. I sneak out to watch the sunrise. It’s quiet and always an amazing show. Ask yourself, “What do I look forward to most today.” “What was the most enjoyable part of my day and why?” We do this little best and worst game at dinner with my son. What was the best thing that happened today? What was the worst?

Spend less, save more

To get you started, you can reduce waste and save money every month. Set a budget and then look for ways to cut costs. Maybe you say to yourself if I buy a new article of clothing something must go. It’s a chance to really evaluate NEEDS vs WANTS. Consider buying second hand. Do kids really need brand new ski gear that won’t fit next time you go? I bet you can find gently used out-grown gear. Consider refurbished electronics, buy produce when it’s on sale, and bundle insurance. Before renewing any insurance policy, always shop around and compare coverage details.

Spend more time with family and friends

It is said that Spending time with loved ones is great for your health and well-being. Most people resolve to put more into nurturing their connections with family and friends. Set aside time each week to meet up with a friend or family member or just get together for a walk. Friends far away? Set up a regular chat instead.

Get organized

Avoiding impulse purchases so you don’t end up with more clutter, setting aside a few minutes each day to read and delete old emails, and setting up ways to keep track of paperwork, such as bills, taxes and documents.

Learn something new

Learning new things can be hard. Avoid becoming a continuing education dropout by starting small. Instead of signing up for a master class, start out with a -learning app. Instead of resolving to master the art of cooking, start by mastering a single new recipe, then build on your skills.

Travel more

If you want to travel more in 2019, be specific about where you want to go, when you go, and what you do when you get there. Start researching to find out what it’s going to cost, what to bring, and how much time you’ll spend. Next create a budget, start a travel fund, ( not a gofundme page…that’s NOT a travel fund). Let your friends and family know that you’re planning a fabulous trip. ( I repeat not via a gofundme page). Letting others in on your plans will help keep you accountable.

Break your smartphone addiction

Did you know most People check phones 100 times a day. Reclaim some of your time and break this habit. Tips: 1) Turn off all non-essential notifcations, and keep your phone as far from you as possible. 2) Give yourself set times to check email, etc., 3) Replace the habit. Instead of reaching for your phone, grab a magazine or book instead.

Cook and Eat at home more

If you’re a takeout junkie, it’s costing you money and taking a toll on your health. Cooking at home is cheaper and better for your health than ordering in or eating out, because you control the ingredients. Stock your kitchen with the healthy options and have a few go-to weeknight recipes. Apps such as Yummly and Mealboard simplify the process. They generate shopping lists and let you filter recipes by prep time, nutrition, and more.

Drink less
Enough said.

Stop smoking

IS this really still a popular resolution in 2019. This makes me sad … but by all means move this up to the top of your list. According to the American Cancer Society, only 4 to 7 percent of smokers manage to quit in any given attempt, odds improve dramatically when people combine counseling and anti-smoking medication. I hear those patches work.

Reduce stress

Make meditation a habit. Set aside 3 minutes a day and work towards ten minutes a day to meditate. You can make real progress toward your stress-reduction goal with meditation. Did you know meditation alters the brain’s neural pathways, making you more resilient to stress? AKA You can DEAL better when stressful situations come up… namaste folks! Let it go.. all that. But your mind can really truly let things go. It takes mental practice but it seemingly works. It’s worth a try. I am only 2 weeks into my own meditation journey and I must say, it’s amazing.

Sleep more

Good sleep is essential to overall health, so resolving to sleep better is just plain smart. Tip: If you’re trying to lose weight in 2019, get your rest. Did you know a body at rest fuels itself with stored FAT? Well we are not talking about massive amounts of calories but the primary fuel for sleep is FAT. So why not get your full 7-8 hours of ZZZZ’s?

Good luck everyone. May your 2019 be better than the last.